Cine-God Studios, in partnership with Vascan Studios, is proud to announce the debut of its most recent project- The Agency; an action thriller film directed by...
At a press conference held yesterday, Wednesday 1st of December 2021, the makers of ‘Terminus‘ revealed that the film is scheduled for official release on 7th January 2022....
In AloeVera, separated by an argument over the chicken and the egg and which of the two came first, the Aloe’s and the Vera’s live almost...
After giving us an exclusive first look at the film through a BTS documentary at the first edition of GhMovieCon, Peter Sedufia and hi OldFilm Productions...
The 2 idiots, Dr. So and Janeral Ntatia gifted patrons of the National Theater with a stage play production titled “The Man In The Dark” on...