Filmmaker Yumeng He takes us on an evocative and deeply personal journey in her beautifully crafted short documentary, ‘The Other...
In ‘All The Men I Met But Never Dated‘, writer and director Muneeb Hassan brings a tender yet deeply evocative perspective to the complexities of queer...
The mother and son bond is a unique and endlessly intriguing dynamic. This simple yet brilliant short film ‘We’re Not Done Yet‘ explores this dynamic in...
“And Still the Seed,” a poignant short documentary film by Llaima Suwani Sanfiorenzo. The 14-minute film takes us on a stunning visual journey through the diverse ecosystems...
Life can often feel like a paradox, especially when you see the life you want within reach but can’t quite grasp it. This is a familiar...
One of the standouts at this year’s BlackStar International Film Festival (BSIFF) is the short film “MADUNGA“, written and directed by Samuel Abejirin. The film showcased...
“Cookie Box” written and directed by Adam Żurawiecki, tells a moving and thought-provoking story that lingers in the mind long after it has ended. With a...
Set against the vibrant yet challenging backdrop of New York’s Chinatown “American Daydream” tells a poignant story of love, sacrifice, and the complex bonds that tether...
Fatherhood comes with many challenges, and I believe the biggest of these challenges is breaking the cycles of hurt and generational trauma that are often unintentionally...
We often remain unaware of the sacrifices our parents make to protect us from the challenges life throws our way. They shield us and shape us...