The subject of aliens, alternate planets and the possible existence of other life forms always makes for a great basis for sci-fiction stories and films. There...
The subject of vaccines and their benefits versus potential effects seems perpetually contentious. Several films have attempted to navigate this complex conversation, bringing clarity and calling...
Holden Pollak’s latest feature film venture, “Sleuthhound Screwball,” is an interesting dabble into the indie comedy genre, set against the backdrop of Palos Verdes, California, in...
“Tacoma,” written and directed by Jigeesh Magar, is an ambitious indie film that combines elements of thriller, drama, and science fiction. The story revolves around two brilliant...
“Altered Perceptions,” directed by Jorge Ameer, is a cinematic venture that proves to be a challenging experience for many viewers, thanks to its nearly two-hour runtime. The...
“Dying to Sleep” is a haunting and enigmatic psychological thriller that delves deep into the complexities of family, mental illness, and the quest for redemption. The...
'R' is a testament to the power of introspection in filmmaking. Holden Pollak's directorial debut showcases his narrative prowess and an astute understanding of art's essence....
In Unchained, an idealistic woman is kidnapped and forced to compete in an underground fight ring. Every night is a fight for her life as she plans...