Breakthrough Studios highly anticipated “Gold Coast Lounge” finally premiered and indeed has left many spellbound and awed. In Gold Coast Lounge, a family forged on years...
For weeks now we have all been eager, waiting for the release of ‘95’ a film written and directed by Kofi Kyei. All the posters, behind...
With all the questions about what “P Over D” really means, you can imagine the turn out the last night premiere of this romantic comedy from...
This star studded romantic dracomedy film features top stars such as Ruth Kadiri from Nigeria, Salma Mumin, Fella Makafui, Toosweet Annan, Bishop Nyarko, John Dumelo, Kalsoum Sinare, Peter Ritchie, veterans Grace Nortey and...
This is not just a love story, because, like all love stories, it will die with us, as it should, but this is “THE ” love...