“Blood for Dust” is a gritty crime drama set in the 90s era that follows Cliff (played by Scoot McNairy), a struggling salesman who is troubled with mounting debts...
The Australian fantasy-adventure film “The Secret Kingdom” tells the story of two siblings’ Verity (Alyla Browne) and Peter (Sam Everingham) as their courage is tested when they find themselves drawn...
“Mom and Dad’s Nipple Factory” is a touching and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the lives of the Johnson family and their extraordinary journey of love,...
The film’s story is director Sudeshna Sen’s debut feature and an adaption of the novel ‘Looking For Bapu’ by Anjali Banerjee. At the centre of the film is...
The film is written and directed by Röckët Stähr who is also the musician behind all the rock songs you hear in this film. He describes...
There are many films about drug addiction and the road to recovery for addicts. But I don’t recall ever seeing any like this one. CLEAN SLATE...
In the film, NOVEMEBER REPORTAGE, a renowned investigative reporter Linn Söderqvist and three others are making a reportage on the mysterious death of mother and the...
Several films have been made about the COVID-19 pandemic already even though it is far from being forgotten. Many of us still have the scars it...
Sex should be something that is easy to talk about. But it isn’t and for many it is an embarrassing subject to discuss. You can be...
Westerns are typically capital intensive looking at all the elements that are need to get the story right. From location choices, set design, art direction, costuming...