Directed by Frank Fiifi Gharbin, ‘A Country Called Ghana‘ attempts to weave a story of cultural heritage, betrayal, and the clash between local traditions and foreign greed. The film’s plot centres around Frank (played...
In a candid and insightful conversation, filmmaker Apollo Bakopoulos opens up about the deeply personal journey that inspired his latest film, ‘Aligned‘. Drawing from his own experiences of...
Inspired by a powerful poem by Hanna Asefaw‘s powerful poem, Signe Rosenlund-Hauglid made the documentary film “A Home on Every Floor“. The film delves into pressing issues of gentrification...
In the realm of documentary filmmaking, where truth and storytelling intertwine, there are rare gems that transcend the screen to evoke profound contemplation and stir the soul. Elan...
As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
“Tacoma,” written and directed by Jigeesh Magar, is an ambitious indie film that combines elements of thriller, drama, and science fiction. The story revolves around two brilliant...
“Gunfighter Paradise,” written and directed by Jethro Waters, is a strange and quirky exploration of mental disintegration. At its core, the film tells the story of Stoner (played by Braz...
The Durban FilmMart Institute (DFMI) is proud to present the lineup of projects and participants for the 17th edition of Talents Durban, set to take place...
“In the Chest of a Woman” is not just a play; it’s a journey through time, tradition, and the indomitable spirit of womanhood. As I settled...
Get ready to laugh your way through an evening of comedy as Superfam Network presents their latest stage play masterpiece, “One Gallon”. This hilarious play promises...