Music has the power to heal, and for drag musician Lagoona Bloo, it’s been a lifeline. This is captured in...
Filmmaker Yumeng He takes us on an evocative and deeply personal journey in her beautifully crafted short documentary, ‘The Other Side of the Mountain‘. She follows...
In a time when the United States is grappling with deep political polarization, social unrest, and economic upheaval, The American Question arrives as a poignant exploration...
‘It’s Coming‘ is an intense documentary film by Shannon Alexander that delves into the unsettling world of supernatural encounters with the story of Ashley Roland, a...
‘Fighting Spirit: A Combat Chaplain’s Journey‘ is a profoundly moving documentary that delves into the quiet heroism of U.S. military chaplains, who, without weapons, serve on...
“The Waiting Game” directed by Michael Husain, is a deeply emotional and thought-provoking documentary that examines a battle between a nonprofit organization ‘Dropping Dimes Foundation‘ and...
Andrew Goldberg’s latest film, “White With Fear” is a bold, courageous dive into the political machine that has weaponized racial fear in America for decades. This...
‘Rhino Man‘ presents a compelling and heartfelt narrative centred on the relentless battle against rhino poaching in South Africa. Directed by John Jurko II, Matt Lindenberg,...
“And Still the Seed,” a poignant short documentary film by Llaima Suwani Sanfiorenzo. The 14-minute film takes us on a stunning visual journey through the diverse ecosystems...
The human mind is such a strange place, and we can never fully understand how it works, especially when it comes to mental health. The lines...