‘APACHE BLUES: Welcome Home‘ is an emotionally powerful and deeply personal documentary that sheds light on the untold struggles of Vietnam veterans returning home after the...
“Escape from Extinction: Rewilding” is a powerful sequel to American Humane’s 2020 award-winning documentary “Escape from Extinction“. This documentary film is directed by Matthew R. Brady...
Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to experience psychedelic drugs? Perhaps you’re curious but also a bit scared. That blend of curiosity and...
“Being a field biologist today is the closest you can get to being an explorer from the past”. These are the words from Samantha Monier in...
“Light Up,” directed by Ryan Ashley Lowery, is a compelling 90-minute documentary that takes an intimate look into the lives of five individuals from the LGBTQ+...
“Mother of All Lies,” a 96-minute documentary directed by Asmae El Moudir, is a profound and evocative exploration of memory, trauma, and truth. This endearing documentary...
Thomas Opre, renowned for his wildlife documentaries that explore overlooked subjects, once again turns his lens to new terrain in “The Last Keeper.” Having previously captivated...
“War & Justice,” directed by Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile, is a gripping documentary that highlights the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its activities to fight against wars of aggression. This...
“Rogue” is not merely a documentary film; it’s a journey through time, a testament to resilience, and a celebration of the human spirit. It tells a...
“My Dead Dad” offers a unique and deeply touching exploration of the father-daughter bond, wrapped in a journey that’s as unconventional as it is heartfelt. Directed...