HoLaLaa Studioz is set to stage a new play at the National Theatre, Folksplace on Wednesday, 22nd
February, 2022 at 7pm entitled FEAR raised to the power DANGER. The stageplay is written and directed
by the young creative Faiba Bernard.
When it comes to the stage, the common genre operated in are drama and comedy. However, HoLaLaa
Studioz always switch things up to the out-of-the-ordinary point. The previous play they produced was a
crime-drama titled And Everything; Sé Fini… now, they serve us a Psychological Thriller.
Set in present day, in the house of a newly promoted young lawyer, FEAR raised to the power DANGER is
a psychological thriller/drama laced with an action sequence as part of its genre. It is an intertwined
story of the young man’s destabilized relationship with his fiancée, housekeeper, his best friend and
work which puts him in deep thought toppling his sanity.
The play explores themes as depression in the face of loss. It also touches on such values as Loyalty,
ethics, Industriousness, search for innermost peace, psychopathy and above all Love.
This masterpiece promises to keep audience glued to their seat from beginning to end. The suspense
filled stageplay will keep patrons at the edge of their seat… coupled with the excellent writing/storyline,
acting and the stylish directing Faiba Bernard is noted for.
Tickets can be obtained at the gate on Wednesday, 22nd February for a more than cool price of GHC30 –
Single and GHC50 – Double. Show begins at 7pm, hence, patrons are expected to be seated by 6:30 so as
not to miss the coming attractions.
The play features heavyweight theatre actors Bright Jefferson, Gadede Segbefia, Abraham McPratt,
Priscilla Borquaye, Judith Gyamfi and Faiba Bernard.

For further info, kindly reach out to @holalaastudioz on all social media platforms. Or call 0508385433