9 years agoon
#Yup… We don’t play #GhMoviefreak
PAN,is the movie title adaptation for the original widely known story of Peter Pan (Created by J.M. Barrie). This big screen adaptation was directed by Joe Wright (who is famous for titles like, Pride & Prejudice and Atonment both based of good books)
I am sure a lot of people might have a fair idea of the Peter Pan story growing up:- A mischievous never aging boy who can fly who spends his never ending childhood on having adventures fighting pirates with his gang on a small island called Neverland.
I know this sounds like a lot of …. Erm lol …. Childish fantasy but hey it was very intriguing growing up. I am sure a lot of people can agree to that.
The Pan movie however looks to tell the genesis story of the Peter Pan character. I feel the whole idea behind making this movie was to sort of revive people’s interest in the J.M. Barries books. The makers of the movie tried their best here but… failed to some extent. Joe Wright’s Pride & Prejudice and Atonement were obviously better movies than Pan.
Besides, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) who stars as Blackbeard, no other big names were cast for this movie. Peter Pan was played by young Levi Miller who I believe did handle is role well enough. I can’t really fault the cast or the acting in this movie because there is not much to expect or compare with when you do not really know the cast.
But certainly it was more than refreshing to see Hugh Jackman in something very different than what he is known for.The story line fails to make the cut for a genesis/prequel movie, and doesn’t layout a reason for a sequel but heavily delivers in terms of keeping you entertained and interested for a greater part. Also the makers did more than awesome with the CGI. Yes!! This movie definitely hits the nail in the head on that note. Reasons being that, most of the cinematic shot were of flying pirate ships and mid air stunts. As a matter of fact, this movie must be seen in 3D.
It’s only then would you appreciate the CGI effects The music score was also on point. Its hard to forget that scene with the Slaves singing and chanting on the arrival of new slave recruit and also the scene with Blackbeard’s grand entry into the mining pit. A good music score is something every adventure movie needs.
I didn’t like the costumes though; it made the movie, at some scenes feel too funny and colorful, almost like watching clowns at a circus show. The tribal folks being blown into colored dust wasn’t needed just made it dreadful.
Generally, I wouldn’t describe this movie as awful of a huge failure…. It certainly has some high moments and obviously was entertaining. You can’t really expect much from a Fantansy adventure based of a children’s book. It’s a good family movie which kids would love from start to end of its 111 minutes runtime but I am pretty much sure most adults would find it to be such a waste of time. If there is going to be a sequel, I really can’t say… but I hope they make it much better if they really want to pull some traction with reviving Peter Pan.
Well I feel a score of 5/10 would do. Hoping it meets its production budget and stays a week long on the box office number 1.
Hey, nonetheless if you have some time on your hands or just looking for chill moment to relax and cool off, do well to go see this movie for yourself.
Cheers! #GhMovieFreaks!!
Second on my list of addictions is Movies.. the only thing I could possibly love more is my Dearest Waakye lol. Nothing else does a better job of reminding me that ANYTHING is possible with the right amount of effort. I have great eye for details and flaws in scripts. Shallow scripts bore me. I am an avid reader. Your everyday Mr Nice guy. Always the last to speak in a room full of smart people. Half Human, half Martian but full MOVIE FREAK.
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