In the age of smartphones and social media, “Disconnect Me,” a documentary film written, produced, and directed by Alex Lykos, presents a compelling narrative centred around one...
“Panadrilo,” a short film directed by Marcela Heilbron, plunges viewers into a surreal and metaphorical journey through the complexities of immigration and sacrifice. The narrative revolves around Juan,...
Accra, Ghana – February 9, 2024 – Rainbow Productions is proud to announce the upcoming release of their debut feature film production ‘EVOR.’ This compelling drama,...
Here’s what to add to your Showmax watchlist this February. Happy viewing! MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – DEAD RECKONING | Stream from 12 February Rotten Tomatoes‘ Best Action...
“Two Cents & A Footlong ” is an interesting short film written and directed by Kanin Guntzelman, which takes place within the walls of a 24-hour sandwich shop...
The highly anticipated premiere of “Bob Marley: One Love” is set to take place at Silverbird Cinemas Ghana on the 16th of February 2024. Reggae music...
Isaac Hirotsu Woofter‘s indie film “Bound” takes us on an interesting journey through the gritty streets of New York City, unravelling a tale of survival, reinvention,...
"Influence" successfully delves into the challenges faced by creatives, exploring the tension between staying true to oneself and conforming to industry norms for acceptance. The narrative also...
Last Wednesday night, the Folksplace at the National Theatre, Accra was filled with laughter and applause as the stage came alive with the comedic chaos of “Pyjamas for...
Here are some of the international series to watch in February. 1st seasons of Ted, Lawmen: Bass Reeves, Found; new seasons of Halo, The Rookie; box...