“The Waiting Game” directed by Michael Husain, is a deeply emotional and thought-provoking documentary that examines a battle between a nonprofit organization ‘Dropping Dimes Foundation‘ and...
Nicolas Dozol’s ‘Last Party’ offers an interestingly unique take on the teen drama genre, weaving together elements of coming-of-age, drama, and mystery into a single narrative...
ALLEB PRODUCTION‘s short film ‘Red is for Rose‘ has captured the spotlight by winning the coveted ‘Best Screenplay (Short) Film‘ award at the 21st edition of...
Andrew Goldberg’s latest film, “White With Fear” is a bold, courageous dive into the political machine that has weaponized racial fear in America for decades. This...
‘Solvent‘ is a found-footage style horror film directed and co-written by Johannes Grenzfurthner. It tells a story that dives into the eerie and unsettling world of...
Introspection is important for us humans as it leads to self-accountability and, ultimately, growth. Tim Hautekiet taps into this very human experience in a way that...
‘Rhino Man‘ presents a compelling and heartfelt narrative centred on the relentless battle against rhino poaching in South Africa. Directed by John Jurko II, Matt Lindenberg,...
A new highlight of the 2024 African Cinema Summit (ACS) is the introduction of the Legacy Awards. These prestigious awards are designed to recognize and celebrate...
‘Ato Kwabena‘, an upcoming Ghanaian film set for its official release is already starting to garner some attention. The film’s story follows a young boy’s perilous...
At the Africa Cinema Summit in Accra, Idris Elba wasn’t just a celebrated guest, he was a passionate advocate for the future of African cinema. Born...