Andrew de Burgh‘s “The Seductress From Hell” invites viewers into a twisted tale of psychological horror and supernatural intrigue, anchored by a strong enough performance from...
In the enigmatic realm where Hollywood glamour collides with the macabre, filmmaker Andrew de Burgh unveils his latest cinematic endeavour, “The Seductress from Hell.” Steeped in the traditions...
“Just One Drink” is a film directed and written by Andrew De Burgh that centres on a revenge story where a beautiful young widow named Tamara (played by Barbara...
The Legend of Santa is a silent film telling the story of a compassionate bishop who uses his woodcarving hobby to brighten a poor girls’ life....
In ‘The Bestowal’, a suicidal businessman is visited by an inter-dimensional being who appears in the form of a beautiful woman. Steven is clearly a successful...