The yet-to-be-released Ghanaian film “Letters To Goddo“, directed by Harry BENTIL, has been officially selected for the prestigious Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF). The film follows...
As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
Cine-God Studios, in partnership with Vascan Studios, is proud to announce the debut of its most recent project- The Agency; an action thriller film directed by...
Having a good laugh is not only one of life’s amazing gifts but also therapeutic. Doctors are unable to prescribe laughter, despite it being the best...
A film by Eddie Nartey Finally, Zylofon Films, a subsidiary of Zylofon Media, have released their debut film with their star-studded in-house cast titled “The New...
It’s refreshing to see our filmmakers try out other genres of films regardless of the extra challenges these genres might come with. Clearly, it’s been a...
There is always talk about the current state of our film industry not being conducive for new production companies. And then out from nowhere, when nobody...
After giving us a romantic comedy, Heaven Can Wait, last year which was received with mixed reviews, “thecinegod” as he likes to be known as, Abu...
In case you missed out on the Grand Premiere of Kobi Rana’s Happily Never After, here are some photos of what went on at the glamorous...
We’ve have had our eyes on this film ever since Director Kobi Rana openly called for the public to show up on location and be part...