Ghanaian film ‘Letters of Goddo‘ has secured eight nominations in 8 categories in the 2024 edition of the prestigious Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA). This adds...
The yet-to-be-released Ghanaian film “Letters To Goddo“, directed by Harry BENTIL, has been officially selected for the prestigious Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF). The film follows...
Ananse Entertainment has commenced principal photography for their latest project, “LAST STOP.” The film will be directed by the head of the production studio Kwabena Gyansah...
As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
In AloeVera, separated by an argument over the chicken and the egg and which of the two came first, the Aloe’s and the Vera’s live almost...
After giving us an exclusive first look at the film through a BTS documentary at the first edition of GhMovieCon, Peter Sedufia and hi OldFilm Productions...
For weeks now we have all been eager, waiting for the release of ‘95’ a film written and directed by Kofi Kyei. All the posters, behind...
The 2 idiots, Dr. So and Janeral Ntatia gifted patrons of the National Theater with a stage play production titled “The Man In The Dark” on...
It feels good to occasionally get to see something different from the regular. Abstrakte Productions’ promised something different with “LUCKY” and after what we saw last...
After a very successful first season with an impressive 56 episodes, one would have thought the Kejetia vrs Mokola series would have run out of steam...