The highly anticipated animated film ‘Abrefi Kɔtɔ‘, written and directed by female Ghanaian animator Karen-Happuch P. Henneh, is set to...
Mills Media has officially announced the release date for their highly anticipated animation series, ‘The Guardians – The Chosen Ones’. The series which spotlights Ghana’s growing...
The animation short film “Till Death,” directed by the talented Kofi Kyei, has been officially selected for the prestigious Annecy International Animation Film Festival. This recognition...
HaZimation is excited to share that their animated action-thriller Max Beyond will be available on UK Digital Platforms from 22nd April & in the US from 23rd April Max...
Socrates Safo, a luminary in what many feel was the golden era of Ghanaian films, embarks on a unique cinematic endeavour with “TumTum,” collaborating with Animator Michael...
Accra, Ghana — 08 / 09 / 2023 Ghana’s esteemed animation powerhouse, AnimaxFYB Studios, proudly announces the release of its latest creation: the official promotional video...
In 2015, South African animation studio Triggerfish launched a pan-African talent search for animated films and series. Supported by The Walt Disney Company, The Triggerfish Story...
“Boonie Bears: Back to Earth” takes audiences on a thrilling and humorous ride, showcasing the misadventures of the lovable bears’ Bramble and Briar. Directed by Huida Lin, this animated film...
The film is written and directed by Röckët Stähr who is also the musician behind all the rock songs you hear in this film. He describes...
BLACK RAIN is an Afro-futuristic, 2D animated 8 minutes short film about Esan, a planet under siege by a corrupt conglomerate, and is told through the...