“Room Taken” is a poignant short film, written by Michael Whelan and directed by Tj O’Grady Peyton, that delicately explores the depths of human connection amidst challenging circumstances. The...
In Sarah Young‘s short film “Not Him,” audiences are plunged into the seemingly troubled ‘perfect lives’ of a young couple Michelle and John. John has suddenly become strange and violent and Michelle believes...
“Harlem Grace” is a poignant short film set in 1985, offering a snapshot of the life of Joseph H. Holland, the former New York State Commissioner of...
“My Dead Dad” offers a unique and deeply touching exploration of the father-daughter bond, wrapped in a journey that’s as unconventional as it is heartfelt. Directed...
“The Test,” directed by Claudia Myers and Laura Waters Hinson, is a poignant short documentary that delves into the journey of Eric Frimpong, a Ghanaian immigrant working as a maintenance...
“When Unfettered,” written and directed by Derek Franzese, is a interesting sci-fi short film that explores profound themes of loss, self-discovery, and the evolving relationship between artificial intelligence...
“Panadrilo,” a short film directed by Marcela Heilbron, plunges viewers into a surreal and metaphorical journey through the complexities of immigration and sacrifice. The narrative revolves around Juan,...
“Two Cents & A Footlong ” is an interesting short film written and directed by Kanin Guntzelman, which takes place within the walls of a 24-hour sandwich shop...
“Terra Mater,” a short film written and directed by Kantarama Gahigiri, delves into the harsh realities of the trauma inflicted upon the Earth by human actions. With...
“Dumpster Archeology” is a captivating short documentary film directed by Dustie Carter, exploring the unconventional yet intriguing world of Lew Blink, a self-proclaimed “Dumpster Archeologist.” The film, with...