“The War Between” delves into the intricacies of human connection and survival amidst the backdrop of the American Civil War. Set against the unforgiving terrain of...
Robert Shupe‘s “Handshake” is a 1 hour and 52-minute crime drama that delves into the intricate web of human choices and their far-reaching consequences. Set against...
“My Dead Dad” offers a unique and deeply touching exploration of the father-daughter bond, wrapped in a journey that’s as unconventional as it is heartfelt. Directed...
Esteemed playwright and director, Uncle Ebo Whyte, together with his team at Roverman Productions, has revealed the intricacies of their latest play entitled ‘Dubai Or No...
‘The Sound of Violet‘, a rom-com drama written and directed by Allen Wolf, brings forth a poignant narrative woven around the lives of Shawn and Violet, portrayed with depth and...
“DEMISE” marks Yara Estrada Lowe‘s debut feature film, a modern-day thriller set in present-day Los Angeles. The film delves into the intricate life of Caleb, a Latino landscaper...
“The Test,” directed by Claudia Myers and Laura Waters Hinson, is a poignant short documentary that delves into the journey of Eric Frimpong, a Ghanaian immigrant working as a maintenance...
“EVOR” marks a significant debut for actress Sitsofe Tsikor and her Rainbow Productions studio, bringing forth a story that resonates with depth and emotional intensity. The actress, now producer’s...
The long-awaited second season of the hit Ghanaian drama series ENO is now streaming on Showmax, with new episodes releasing every Thursday. Directed by Shirley Frimpong-Manso and produced...
The highly anticipated premiere of the feature film ‘EVOR’ saw a resounding success as it unfolded at Silverbird Cinemas, Accra. A diverse array of film enthusiasts...