Set in rural Provinstate in the year 1998, Mind Leech is a horror film about an infectious parasite that causes friends to violently attack each other. On its heels...
‘Unconformity’ follows the story of Alex, a geology student who decides to go to the Mojave Desert all by herself after a devastating betrayal from her boyfriend...
“Fairways to Happiness” is a documentary by filmmaker Doug Morrione that explores the idea of happiness and how to achieve it. The film follows Morrione’s journey...
Although this is a love story set in mid 20th Century Europe it feels a bit fresh and timeless. The story is about a catholic opera...
Everybody Dance is a documentary film talks about the everyday challenges of kids with differing abilities and how ballet has changed their lives. The documentary focuses...
When an unknown disease wipes out most of the world’s population, a man with unique blood is isolated for study. Fearing for his wife’s safety, he...
Love in Kilnerry is set in a quiet peaceful town filled with mostly elderly residents. The otherwise peaceful community is thrown into confusion when a representative...
The film uses a single setting to tell an interesting story about a family, drama and all its dark secrets. Della(Sarah McLoney) and her Jamie (Aaron...
Coming of age stories have this interesting way of reminding you or your youth and the choices that you made. When good enough, they are the...
This documentary film is about Belle Vie a small French restaurant situated in an overpriced block in Los Angeles owned by first generation immigrant Vincent Samarco....