Breakthrough Studios highly anticipated “Gold Coast Lounge” finally premiered and indeed has left many spellbound and awed. In Gold Coast Lounge, a family forged on years...
As was promised, Superfam Network put together another hilarious, entertaining stage comedy titled ‘Accra We Dey’ at the National Theater on Saturday and it lived up...
Producers of ‘Inspection’ and ‘3 idiots and a Wiseman’, are here again with another hilarious, entertaining stage comedy, dubbed “Accra We Dey“. Produced by Superfam Network,...
In a democratic dispensation we all have our roles as citizens to play for the good of the country and that includes making sure our leaders...
A cross section of the press yesterday, 26th February previewed a new kind of Ghanaian cinema titled “BIGMAN WAHALA”, set to start showing from the 6th...
It feels good to occasionally get to see something different from the regular. Abstrakte Productions’ promised something different with “LUCKY” and after what we saw last...
Although not as loud on the digital spectrum like others on this list “Lucky” is one of those films that gets your attention with the simplicity...
Principal photography concluded in December on the feature film, “BIGMAN WAHALA” set to reach screens later this year. “BIGMAN WAHALA” is a journey set in the...
Here is the second part of our Top 10 Film Projects from Ghana you should expect this year. Be reminded that this list is in no particular...
We at have always argued that Ghana’s film industry is actually on the rise as opposed to the general consensus that, it is somewhat dead....