The long-awaited second season of the hit Ghanaian drama series ENO is now streaming on Showmax, with new episodes releasing every Thursday. Directed by Shirley Frimpong-Manso and produced...
Ghanaian drama series ENO returns for a second season on Showmax on 12 February 2024, with new episodes releasing weekly. ENO S1 was among the most-watched titles on Showmax in...
Cine-God Studios, in partnership with Vascan Studios, is proud to announce the debut of its most recent project- The Agency; an action thriller film directed by...
A Showmax Original drama series from Shirley Frimpong-Manso’s Sparrow Studios ENO is coming. African streaming service Showmax has announced its first-ever Original title in Ghana, ENO, which will...
Tony Asankomah shares what he likes and dislikes about Shirley Frimpong Manso’s The Perfect Picture Ten Years Later. Available for Streaming on Netflix Watch #theReviews below
Courtesy of MTECH Communications, we got invited to the private screening for “A Husband For Daddy” the first film to be released on their new online...
Social Media is going agog over the expected official release of “A Husband For Daddy”. The film was announced as the first film to be premiered...
With all the questions about what “P Over D” really means, you can imagine the turn out the last night premiere of this romantic comedy from...
This star studded romantic dracomedy film features top stars such as Ruth Kadiri from Nigeria, Salma Mumin, Fella Makafui, Toosweet Annan, Bishop Nyarko, John Dumelo, Kalsoum Sinare, Peter Ritchie, veterans Grace Nortey and...
This is not just a love story, because, like all love stories, it will die with us, as it should, but this is “THE ” love...