Ghanaian filmmaker Thompson Lordson has been announced as one of the few selected filmmakers to have their films screened at the prestigious FESPACO 2025, the Pan-African...
Ghanaian Casting Director, Mawuko Kuadzi, becomes the first West African to join the prestigious Casting Society of America (CSA). This landmark achievement not only highlights Ghana’s...
The animation short film “Till Death,” directed by the talented Kofi Kyei, has been officially selected for the prestigious Annecy International Animation Film Festival. This recognition...
Green Lemon Productions spearheaded by young creative Joseph Clef Aboah is about to release another web series titled ‘Momo Joint’. The web series full of drama...
Regardless of how things are going now, 2020 really does feel like the year things take a turn for the better for the Ghanaian film industry....
Musings of a Moviefreak. There is no doubt that we are in difficult times. The world is dealing with a global pandemic that cuts at our...
In AloeVera, separated by an argument over the chicken and the egg and which of the two came first, the Aloe’s and the Vera’s live almost...
After giving us an exclusive first look at the film through a BTS documentary at the first edition of GhMovieCon, Peter Sedufia and hi OldFilm Productions...
Ghana’s Maiden Film Convention To Be Held In January 2020 Xscape Digital Consult (XDC) in partnership with Silverbird Ghana have announced the staging GhMovie-Con, Ghana’s Maiden...
After exactly a year we finally get to see the second feature film from Peter Sedufia. His last film, a period piece, Ketete, was received with...