“Cookie Box” written and directed by Adam Żurawiecki, tells a moving and thought-provoking story that lingers in the mind long after it has ended. With a...
Accra was abuzz with excitement as the much-anticipated stage play You Play Me I Play You was officially launched on September 5, 2024, at the Accra...
“Being a field biologist today is the closest you can get to being an explorer from the past”. These are the words from Samantha Monier in...
Filmmaker Alina Orlov brings a distinctive voice to the intersection of art and activism, drawing on her fine arts background to create compelling visual narratives. Born...
The subject of aliens, alternate planets and the possible existence of other life forms always makes for a great basis for sci-fiction stories and films. There...
Sports films have always had a unique charm, tapping into themes of perseverance, teamwork, and the indomitable human spirit. They inspire us to push through our...
Where I am from, there is a saying, “Sleep is the cousin of death.” That saying for me always implied that you never have control over...
As a fan of sports films, I’ve seen enough baseball movies to consider them a strong enough subgenre within the broader category of sports films or...
I have always believed that there is an audience for any and every film. Filmmakers just have to identify the specific audience that their film is...
“Jasper” is a film that wears its indie roots on its sleeve, offering a quirky and sometimes perplexing blend of action, comedy, and noir elements. Directed,...