Award winning filmmaker Samuel Bravo is set to release is new short film for cinemas titled “Crime of Passion” Crime Of Passion is centered on a...
If you are familiar with the waves Frank Rajah Arase’s Somewhere in Africa created some time back in 2011, then you would be as eager as...
Rarely have we seen any films in recent times that provide the sometimes needed escape into the by gone days. We better appreciate where we are...
If you are familiar with the Wolverine character from the X-men films then you already know that he is not the type to shy away from...
It’s exciting to know that there are a young crop of talented folk out there who love the theater arts are ready to give their all...
Someone recommended that we watch this short film to see if it was any good and we weren’t disappointed at all by it. Any film is...
If there is a proven formula for having a sold out film premiere in Ghana, then Kobi Rana must be having a book of formulas stashed...
Last night we got to have a feel of the “Overflow Experience”, a Christian entertainment event put together by OVF productions. This event successfully combined gospel...
If you are excited about this journey as we are, then you would be happy to know that “Keteke” is confirmed to premiere on the 4th...
Prepare yourself for the “Overflow Experience” this month of February 2017 at the Accra International Conference Centre. This entertainment packed event combines a Gospel music show,...