The abnormality known as Faiba Bernard unfolds once again in full throttle with a heist-thriller Stageplay happening on Wednesday,27th November 2023 at the National Theatre, Folksplace...
In ‘Daruma‘, director Alexander Yellen and writer Kelli McNeil deliver a poignant and heartwarming drama that explores themes of love, family, self-redemption, and personal growth. The...
Written and directed by Todd Komarnicki, ‘BONHOEFFER: PASTOR. SPY. ASSASSIN‘ dives into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident who...
The Casting Society of America has revealed the nominees for the distinguished 40th Annual Artios Awards, celebrating exceptional casting directors worldwide. Among this year’s honorees, Ghanaian...
The Bad Patriots’, from British-Brazilian filmmaker Victor Fraga is an uncompromising examination of the ways in which one part of the media has portrayed two leading...
Sci-fi is that genre of filmmaking that allows for creativity but also opens up space for mistakes and the most experimentation. It’s common to see a...
Lagos, Nigeria– Nominated for the Efere Ozako Award for Best Short Film at the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), Sins of a Father, shines its lights...
Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF) is thrilled to announce the debut of AiF International Connect, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at building strong connections within the global filmmaking community....
Ghanaian cinema has reached a new milestone with “The Fisherman”, produced by Kofi Owusu-Afriyie of Luu Vision Media, making its world premiere at the prestigious 81st...
‘The Bouncer’, is a modestly executed indie action film by director Massimiliano Cerchi, that serves up a straightforward tale set against the gritty backdrop of Romania....