“Tomorrow’s Hope” is a heartwarming and inspiring documentary that sheds light on the importance of early childhood education in breaking the cycle of poverty. The 45mins...
‘Carlifornia’s Forgotten Children’ is a documentary film about child sex trafficking. The film recounts true stories of girls and boys who were commercially sexually exploited in...
‘The Final 19’ is an honest documentary film about Sgt. Daniel Hefel. One of the final 19 prisoners of war to come home from Vietnam. The film...
In a world where there is so much wrong happening, it is good to know that there are people out there who care and are doing...
“Fairways to Happiness” is a documentary by filmmaker Doug Morrione that explores the idea of happiness and how to achieve it. The film follows Morrione’s journey...
Mind Exchange Music presents: The Showcase is an exceptional documentary film about making music through unlikely collaborations. The film focuses more on the original compositions of the...
Good Shepherds is a film that you experience and not just watch. It is a crafty musical documentary film soundtracked by the beautiful voices of the...
The Human Trial is a documentary film about the race for a cure for Diabetes. It focuses on a clinical trial for a potential cure involving stem...
This documentary is about the life of UFC straw-weight contender Rose Namajunas. It essentially covers her journey as a mixed martial artist and her rise to...
There are many films about drug addiction and the road to recovery for addicts. But I don’t recall ever seeing any like this one. CLEAN SLATE...