This is a non-fictional documentary film about baseball living legend Nolan Ryan. The film details Ryan’s life growing up in a small-town Texas, his schooling, marriage...
To many, the concept of biohacking might sound very complex and seem like something that requires a laboratory and several smart people in white lab coats....
The documentary film ‘Killing The Shepard’ focuses on a remote community in the Southern part of Africa, led by a woman, Chief Shikabeta and her attempts...
PTSD- The Walking Wounded, just like its title suggests, is a documentary piece about post-traumatic stress disorder and how it affects the lives of veterans. The...
It is true how most kids from military families take what their parents do for granted. Shawn Kelley truly honours his father and all the men that have...
This is a true-life story about an indie-rock group called Luxury, formed in the mid-’90s and hailing from Toccoa, Georgia. Originally composed of Chris Foley (bass),...
It is interesting to know that something that starts as a random conversation between William J. Saunders (director) and Will Smith (not the Will Smith we...
Funny Pains is a documentary feature which follows stand-up comedian Wendi Starling her life and her working process as she works toward perfecting her craft as...
Queen of Paradis is a documentary film that details the buildup and the creation of Reine Paradis’ latest photo series which she calls “Midnight” before its...
As one of the five documentaries that screened at this year’s Black Star International Film Festival, we got to see the captivating documentary film shot here...