My Sister’s Wedding is written and directed by Kenneth R. Frank and is an indie comedy about Allison Valentine (played by Samantha Sayah) and her drama-filled family. As the middle sister of...
‘Backwards Faces’ seems like one of those films that are too smart for their own good. Its synopsis reads as “Quantum mechanics and the many-worlds interpretation...
“Forest of Death” is an interesting addition to the horror genre, defying expectations and showcasing the creative talents of its director, Brendan Rudnicki. In recent times,...
‘Between Sins‘ is a hood film detailing the life of Coy a man who returns from a stint in prison. He has the choice to return to his religious...
‘Bad Romance’ is described by its makers as comedic neo-noir. It tells the story of Rob (played by Sanjay Rao), a socially awkward lonely looking for love. He comes up...
‘Ash and Bone‘ is an indie horror film that follows Cassie Vanderbilt who is forced to move to a new town with her father who she has a...
“Just One Drink” is a film directed and written by Andrew De Burgh that centres on a revenge story where a beautiful young widow named Tamara (played by Barbara...
Set in rural Provinstate in the year 1998, Mind Leech is a horror film about an infectious parasite that causes friends to violently attack each other. On its heels...
It is always nice to see an actor make that transition to becoming a director and being behind the camera instead of in front of it....
‘Knights of Swing’ is a film set in 1947 in America, after World War II, when big band swing music was popular. The film follows best...