“Bibi” is a compelling psychological thriller that takes us on a journey through the troubled mind of a grieving mother. Directed and written by Christopher Beatty, the film...
'R' is a testament to the power of introspection in filmmaking. Holden Pollak's directorial debut showcases his narrative prowess and an astute understanding of art's essence....
Writer and director Marcellus Cox makes an impressive feature debut with his enthralling drama “Mickey Hardaway“. This heartfelt film takes us on a compelling journey into the life...
“Beyond the Gates of Hell” is an indie horror film that tells the story of a young couple that moves into a new house only to...
With a few rough edges, "RUB" manages to leave a lasting impression and serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities of indie filmmaking. It stands...
In a world ravaged by a deadly virus, “End Times” takes audiences on a dark and treacherous post-apocalyptic adventure. Directed by Jim Towns, this American sci-fi zombie...
“Blood for Dust” is a gritty crime drama set in the 90s era that follows Cliff (played by Scoot McNairy), a struggling salesman who is troubled with mounting debts...
“The Devil’s Left Hand” is a gripping indie horror film that takes viewers on a chilling journey into the realm of demonic possession. Directed by Harvey Wallen,...
“Traveling Light,” directed by Bernard Rose, offers a thought-provoking cinematic experience that delves into the intersections of privilege, and societal divisions, during the COVID-19 pandemic era. At the...
“Horror in the Forest,” directed by Brendan Rudnicki, presents itself as another entry in the found footage style films particularly from the horror genre. While the film...