‘Unconformity’ follows the story of Alex, a geology student who decides to go to the Mojave Desert all by herself after a devastating betrayal from her boyfriend...
‘The Last Deal’ is a somewhat decent crime thriller that explores the moral dilemmas of a drug dealer who is forced to make a last attempt at...
“Free Skate” is a film about a young Russian figure skater who crosses the border to Finland to escape inhumane treatment and also to pursue her...
In ‘Solid Rock Trust’, Maddie a unique talented hacker orchestrates a bank heist that doesn’t require her to be involved in person. She assembles a team...
“Petit Mal” is a film that explores the complexities and emotions of a polyamorous relationship with authenticity and sincerity. The film follows the lives of three...
The best way to explain “Alchemy of the Spirit” is that it is an artistic exploration of death, loss, the supernatural and the fear of the...
Detective Knight: Independence is the third instalment in the Detective Knight trilogy that stars ace action blockbuster star, Bruce Willis. But just like the other two...
The Seasons is a simple but clever four-part anthology that uses the four seasons over a year as chapters to depict various love stories. The film...
CROSSING begins at the end of the Cold War with a dream and delivers us to the United States, 20 years later where those dreams are...
The film is written and directed by Röckët Stähr who is also the musician behind all the rock songs you hear in this film. He describes...