It’s been a lot of running around scrambling to bring you a refreshed experience on to commemorate our 3rd year of existence. So pardon us...
If you are familiar with the Wolverine character from the X-men films then you already know that he is not the type to shy away from...
You might be familiar with the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombings or not, even on this side of the world. It is surprising and yet still...
Only a few films are able to transition perfectly from video game themes to the big screens without leaving a trail of disappointed fans. Over the...
Star Wars arguably has one of the largest cult following in the movie space worldwide and it’s very easy to understand why. Every installment you see...
Marvel Cinematic Universe has indeed carved a huge name for themselves and with every new release they reecho that they can’t go wrong no matter what. ...
For most of us on this side of the world Suicide Squad is fairly somewhat new to us, although we might have seen the animations or...
For the core lovers of DC Comics, these past few days leading to the release of this title certainly might have felt like a long uneasy wait...
A lot of flak had been thrown at this movie prior to its release. Mainly because, no Egyptians were cast for the story even though it...
One of the most popular movies from early last year (2014) was I,Frankenstein which was certainly an “OK” movie by many standards. (Check out our write...