“Gunfighter Paradise,” written and directed by Jethro Waters, is a strange and quirky exploration of mental disintegration. At its core, the film tells the story of Stoner (played by Braz...
“Jersey Bred” a crime thriller written and directed by Greg Russo takes viewers on a journey into the modernized world of organized crime. We see traditional mobsters clash with new tactics...
Andrew de Burgh‘s “The Seductress From Hell” invites viewers into a twisted tale of psychological horror and supernatural intrigue, anchored by a strong enough performance from...
“An Egypt Affair” takes viewers on a journey down the majestic Nile, weaving a tale of love, betrayal, and intrigue amidst the backdrop of ancient Egypt....
“Queen of Knives” offers an interesting exploration of the intricacies of family life amidst the backdrop of Brooklyn, NY. It is a film written by Lindsay Joy,...
Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Bremen, “Effigy – Poison and the City” is a gripping tale of two women navigating a society that offers little...
“The War Between” delves into the intricacies of human connection and survival amidst the backdrop of the American Civil War. Set against the unforgiving terrain of...
Robert Shupe‘s “Handshake” is a 1 hour and 52-minute crime drama that delves into the intricate web of human choices and their far-reaching consequences. Set against...
‘The Sound of Violet‘, a rom-com drama written and directed by Allen Wolf, brings forth a poignant narrative woven around the lives of Shawn and Violet, portrayed with depth and...
“DEMISE” marks Yara Estrada Lowe‘s debut feature film, a modern-day thriller set in present-day Los Angeles. The film delves into the intricate life of Caleb, a Latino landscaper...