Choose life is a campaign designed by 96500 media consult to create awareness , educate on the side effect and possible way of eradicating suicide completely from our educational system.
The maiden edition of the campaign is to take place on Friday 17th November, 2017. Between the Hours of 2pm to 6pm At Sunyani Senior High School.
The campaign, which will take the form of a symposium will have resource personnel educate students on the causes and preventive measures of suicide.
The symposium will be climaxed with the premiere of a short film written and directed by Fumey Kafui Dorcas (Faraday) Ghana ‘s youngest movie director titled “WHO CAUSED IT” . A movie which throws more light into the causes of suicide.
Special appearance on this maiden edition is Ekow Smith Asante who will be a guest speaker for the symposium. The campaign CHOOSE LIFE is a promising one and organizers believe that the campaign will will change the student arena, into a zero suicide environment for a conducive atmosphere to enhance effective studies.