Jazz Town is a captivating documentary by Ben Makinen, showcasing Denver's jazz scene. It masterfully captures the transformative power of jazz but suffers from repetition and...
Showmax is the only place in Africa to stream the three most-nominated shows overall at the 75th Emmy Awards: the family business drama Succession S4 (27 nominations), the...
The National Film Authority (NFA) of Ghana has embarked on an exciting partnership with the International Writers Lab (IWL) to propel the careers of experienced film...
“Blood for Dust” is a gritty crime drama set in the 90s era that follows Cliff (played by Scoot McNairy), a struggling salesman who is troubled with mounting debts...
“The Devil’s Left Hand” is a gripping indie horror film that takes viewers on a chilling journey into the realm of demonic possession. Directed by Harvey Wallen,...
“Traveling Light,” directed by Bernard Rose, offers a thought-provoking cinematic experience that delves into the intersections of privilege, and societal divisions, during the COVID-19 pandemic era. At the...
Uncle Ebo Whyte and his team at Roverman Productions are ready with another exciting play: I Like What You Like. “Ever since Kwesi fell from grace,...
“Horror in the Forest,” directed by Brendan Rudnicki, presents itself as another entry in the found footage style films particularly from the horror genre. While the film...
“Boonie Bears: Back to Earth” takes audiences on a thrilling and humorous ride, showcasing the misadventures of the lovable bears’ Bramble and Briar. Directed by Huida Lin, this animated film...
‘Simulant‘, is a Canadian sci-fi thriller that presents an intriguing premise that explores the nature of androids and their increasing sentience. Set in the near future,...