“Realm of Shadows” enters the horror scene as an anthology of short tales woven into a full-length feature, a concept that promises to deliver a rich...
Ananse Entertainment has commenced principal photography for their latest project, “LAST STOP.” The film will be directed by the head of the production studio Kwabena Gyansah...
‘Ato Kwabena,’ an upcoming Ghanaian film set in the historic neighbourhood of Labadi, Accra is ready and set for its October release. The film is set...
Holden Pollak’s latest feature film venture, “Sleuthhound Screwball,” is an interesting dabble into the indie comedy genre, set against the backdrop of Palos Verdes, California, in...
“Detained” is a decent indie thriller that showcases Felipe Mucci’s directorial talent in a compact, intense setting. The film opens with Rebecca, played by Abbie Cornish,...
‘Sight’ is a biopic directed by Andrew Hyatt inspired by the true life story of renowned eye surgeon Dr. Ming Wang. It captures a pivotal time...
“Freydís and Gudrid” is a beautiful narrative musical by Jeffery Leiser that takes viewers on an epic journey into the world of the Icelandic Vinland sagas....
“The Stix,” written and directed by Jaron Lockridge, offers a gritty exploration of the drug trade and law enforcement in rural West Tennessee. This indie film...
The creative short film “Anywhere the Wind Blows” tells a story, inspired by the Hong Kong protests and infused with a queer romance, that delves into...
The National Film Authority of Ghana, in partnership with Silverbird Cinemas, has announced the second edition of the Africa Cinema Summit. Under the patronage of President...