The subject of vaccines and their benefits versus potential effects seems perpetually contentious. Several films have attempted to navigate this complex conversation, bringing clarity and calling...
The stunning new short film SINS OF A FATHER, written/directed by Nuekellar Hardy, is gearing up to make its World Premiere at the esteemed Essence Film...
Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF) is thrilled to announce a special highlight of its upcoming 6th edition the “AiF Short Film Project Pitching” event, supported by Creation...
“Meeting You, Meeting Me,” a beautiful drama written and directed by Lina Suh, offers a heartwarming and profound exploration of friendship, vulnerability, and personal growth. The...
“An Angry Boy,” written and directed by Andrew Fitzgerald, tells the gripping and emotionally charged story of Owen Marshall, a young man whose life is marred...
Now more than ever, there is the need for us all to collectively fight for the children. That is exactly what “Sound of Hope” is about....
Afreximbank has deployed the Creative Africa Nexus Programme to facilitate the development and growth of the creative and cultural industries in Africa and the diaspora. The...
Forty Winks,‘ written and directed by William Atticus Parker, offers a unique premise that combines elements of crime, comedy, and psychological drama. It follows the story...
“Realm of Shadows” enters the horror scene as an anthology of short tales woven into a full-length feature, a concept that promises to deliver a rich...
Ananse Entertainment has commenced principal photography for their latest project, “LAST STOP.” The film will be directed by the head of the production studio Kwabena Gyansah...