Founder and Creative Director at AnimaxFYB Studios, Francis Y. Brown has been announced as a juror for the 2024 International Emmy Awards. His unwavering dedication and...
Set Theory Productions, in collaboration with Albino Fawn Productions, is set to release the narrative musical drama composed and directed by Jeffrey Leiser, “Freydís and Gudrid.” This...
Renowned Nigerian filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, has announced at the just-ended Cannes Film Festival in France, that, part of season two of “ANIKULAPO,” will be shot in...
“Guy Friends,” directed and written by Johnathan Smith, opens with the intriguing premise of blending documentary-style footage with a narrative presented in black and white. The...
The Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF) celebrates the 6th edition of its innovative short film festivals under the theme “Africa to the world, the world to Africa” and...
Renowned social media content creator, Sylvia Adjeley Konney popularly known as Naa Shuga is set to make her debut on the theatrical stage in Superfam Network’s...
In a candid and insightful conversation, filmmaker Apollo Bakopoulos opens up about the deeply personal journey that inspired his latest film, ‘Aligned‘. Drawing from his own experiences of...
As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
“Tacoma,” written and directed by Jigeesh Magar, is an ambitious indie film that combines elements of thriller, drama, and science fiction. The story revolves around two brilliant...
“Gunfighter Paradise,” written and directed by Jethro Waters, is a strange and quirky exploration of mental disintegration. At its core, the film tells the story of Stoner (played by Braz...