Arranged Marriage tackles ever so interesting subject of arranged marriages in a unique way using comic and horror elements. In the film, Kamali a young woman...
Three Corners of Deception’ is a about a college law professor and attorney who meets the man of her dreams over a Las Vegas Memorial Day...
Set in a dystopian America where all people who aren’t straight, white, Christian and cisgender are kept track of by the government with bar codes. ‘American...
The documentary film ‘Killing The Shepard’ focuses on a remote community in the Southern part of Africa, led by a woman, Chief Shikabeta and her attempts...
It is interesting how ‘simple’ can be complicated and ‘complicated’ can be very simple at times. This film’s somewhat complicated title packs a simple story into...
I have always personally thought that if time travel was possible it would negate the existence of God. This is somewhat cleverly depicted in this scifi...