The yet-to-be-released Ghanaian film “Letters To Goddo“, directed by Harry BENTIL, has been officially selected for the prestigious Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF). The film follows...
As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
In the Akwaaba Magic drama series High Currency, also available to stream on Showmax, Naa Shika Hammond is a high-flying banker at the elite Crystal Bank...
In the new Ghanaian drama series High Currency, set in the cutthroat world of banking, turnabout is fair play when it comes to matters of office rivalry...
The series ‘High Currency’ centers around the suave goal oriented financial closer Naa Shika Hammond played by the beautiful and talented Nikki Samonas. She is the top...