In the Akwaaba Magic drama series High Currency, also available to stream on Showmax, Naa Shika Hammond is a high-flying banker at the elite Crystal Bank...
In the new Ghanaian drama series High Currency, set in the cutthroat world of banking, turnabout is fair play when it comes to matters of office rivalry...
The series ‘High Currency’ centers around the suave goal oriented financial closer Naa Shika Hammond played by the beautiful and talented Nikki Samonas. She is the top...
Cine-God Studios, in partnership with Vascan Studios, is proud to announce the debut of its most recent project- The Agency; an action thriller film directed by...
Another action thriller is set to take Ghana and the rest of the world by storm. The movie shot entirely in Ghana by UK based film...
At a press conference held yesterday, Wednesday 1st of December 2021, the makers of ‘Terminus‘ revealed that the film is scheduled for official release on 7th January 2022....
I spent a couple of hours with Salma Mumin. The purpose of our meeting was simple… Me trying to understand her, her motivations and her drive....
With all the questions about what “P Over D” really means, you can imagine the turn out the last night premiere of this romantic comedy from...
This star studded romantic dracomedy film features top stars such as Ruth Kadiri from Nigeria, Salma Mumin, Fella Makafui, Toosweet Annan, Bishop Nyarko, John Dumelo, Kalsoum Sinare, Peter Ritchie, veterans Grace Nortey and...
This is not just a love story, because, like all love stories, it will die with us, as it should, but this is “THE ” love...