“A Rising Fury” is a poignant and immersive documentary that spans an impressive eight-year timeline, offering a heartfelt glimpse into a critical chapter of history. For...
“A Binding Truth” is a poignant documentary that transcends the boundaries of time and memory to explore the deep and emotional connections between two high school...
"Grasshopper Republic" is a visually captivating and thought-provoking documentary that takes viewers deep into the heart of Uganda's lush forests, where millions of grasshoppers gather in...
“Nathan-ism“, directed by Elan Golod, is a documentary that transcends the surface to offer viewers a profound exploration of truth, memory, and the power of art. At...
“The Seeds of Vandana Shiva” is a documentary that shines a light on the life and activism of Vandana Shiva, an eco-activist and advocate for sustainable...
“The Restless Hungarian” is an interesting and deeply personal documentary that takes viewers on an introspective journey through the life of Paul Weidlinger, an influential architect and...
Jazz Town is a captivating documentary by Ben Makinen, showcasing Denver's jazz scene. It masterfully captures the transformative power of jazz but suffers from repetition and...
“Mom and Dad’s Nipple Factory” is a touching and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the lives of the Johnson family and their extraordinary journey of love,...
“Burt Reynolds: The Last Interview” offers an intimate glimpse into the life and career of the late Burt Reynolds, one of Hollywood’s most iconic figures. Directed...
Indie Rooftop is seven-part documentary series that explores the world of some independent music artists. Each episode is about 20 minutes long and features one artist at...