Inspired by a powerful poem by Hanna Asefaw‘s powerful poem, Signe Rosenlund-Hauglid made the documentary film “A Home on Every Floor“. The film...
In the realm of documentary filmmaking, where truth and storytelling intertwine, there are rare gems that transcend the screen to evoke profound contemplation and stir the soul. Elan...
Brooke Stern Sebold ventures into the realm of comedy and introspection with her short film “Grandma Bruce“. Inspired by her relationship with her grandma and their connection to a car, She...
In the urgent battle against climate change, there are individuals who transcend the ordinary, whose work and vision not only inspire but actively instigate change. Anne De Carbuccia stands as...
It’s been ages since I crossed paths with Bless, probably several months. Despite knowing each other for a good five years, our schedules had been playing...
In the enigmatic realm where Hollywood glamour collides with the macabre, filmmaker Andrew de Burgh unveils his latest cinematic endeavour, “The Seductress from Hell.” Steeped in the traditions...
Introducing the powerhouse behind the lens and in front of the camera, is thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with the multi-talented Ghanaian actress, Sitsofe Tsikor. Renowned...
Filmmakers are often faced with the challenge of telling stories in the most effective way possible. One question that comes up frequently is whether it is...
Getting your film on Netflix can be a challenging task, but there are a few ways to increase the chances of it being accepted on the...
Storytelling in film refers to the process of using visual and audio elements to convey a story or narrative to an audience. This can include the...