“Panadrilo,” a short film directed by Marcela Heilbron, plunges viewers into a surreal and metaphorical journey through the complexities of immigration and sacrifice. The narrative revolves around Juan,...
“Two Cents & A Footlong ” is an interesting short film written and directed by Kanin Guntzelman, which takes place within the walls of a 24-hour sandwich shop...
“Terra Mater,” a short film written and directed by Kantarama Gahigiri, delves into the harsh realities of the trauma inflicted upon the Earth by human actions. With...
“Dumpster Archeology” is a captivating short documentary film directed by Dustie Carter, exploring the unconventional yet intriguing world of Lew Blink, a self-proclaimed “Dumpster Archeologist.” The film, with...
“Dangerous Silence” is an 11-minute short film that delves into the harsh reality of sexual exploitation and the consequences of remaining silent in the face of...
“Brothers In Arms” is a gripping short film that weaves a tale of family, tragedy, and the complex dynamics between two brothers whose lives take divergent...
“Shura,” a poignant short documentary film, delves into the extraordinary life of octogenarian Shura Wallin, whose philosophy of compassion and service emerges as a profound path to...
The acclaimed dramedy DIVINE419 – HAWKERS HUSTLE is now available to the public, capping off its impressive journey through various film festivals. This film delves into...
“Cici’s Sonata” is a gripping short film that expertly combines elements of psychological thriller and horror, providing a thrilling and intense experience from start to finish....
“Captain’s Corner” may appear deceptively simple on the surface, but beneath its short runtime lies a promising gem of storytelling and filmmaking. Directed by Mark Cofie Jnr,...