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#GuestPost – The Creativity Conundrum: Why Society Must Recalibrate Its Perception of the Arts



One of the most profound impediments to the flourishing of the creative industry in our country is not a lack of talent, resources, or ambition—but rather a deeply ingrained societal bias that relegates the arts to the periphery of “serious” professions. This prejudice, unfortunately, takes root within the home, where the earliest perceptions of career paths are shaped.

For generations, the arts have been viewed as an ancillary pursuit, a mere pastime rather than a legitimate vocation. Unlike medicine, law, or finance, creative careers are seldom regarded as intellectually rigorous or economically viable. Consequently, brilliant young minds with an innate proclivity for artistic expression are systematically discouraged, corralled instead into fields deemed more “respectable” or “lucrative.”

The Misconception of Intelligence in the Arts

This bias manifests early in the education system. A junior high school student who consistently achieves stellar grades yet harbors a passion for the arts is often met with admonition rather than encouragement. Parents and educators hastily reroute such individuals toward science, business, or engineering, perpetuating the erroneous notion that intellect and artistry are mutually exclusive. The refrain, “You’re too intelligent to pursue the arts,” echoes through classrooms and dining tables alike. But who decreed that intellectual prowess is incongruent with artistic excellence?

History unequivocally contradicts this fallacy. Some of the greatest luminaries in human history were artists of unparalleled genius. Leonardo da Vinci, a polymath of extraordinary brilliance, seamlessly integrated art, science, and engineering. Michelangelo, whose sculptural and architectural mastery remains unrivaled, was a testament to the symbiosis of intellect and creativity. Pablo Picasso, with his avant-garde approach to visual storytelling, revolutionized modern art. Even in contemporary times, visionaries like Steve Jobs melded aesthetics with technology to redefine entire industries.

And yet, in our local context, disciplines such as visual arts, technical studies, and home economics are often dismissed as the refuge of the “academically lackluster”—a domain for those deemed incapable of excelling in more “prestigious” fields. Film schools and art academies are frequently populated not by those who ardently chose the arts, but by those who were systematically excluded from other disciplines due to their academic standing. This institutionalized misallocation of talent has far-reaching repercussions.

The Systemic Undermining of the Creative Industry

This entrenched mentality does not merely stifle individual aspirations—it has a cascading effect on the entire creative ecosystem. The very individuals who once trivialized artistic pursuits—who ridiculed their classmates for sketching in the margins of their notebooks—are the ones who ascend to positions of influence in finance, governance, and policymaking. They carry with them the same dismissive outlook, perpetuating systemic neglect of the creative sector.

Consider a filmmaker seeking capital to produce a groundbreaking movie. If the bank manager assessing the loan application grew up believing that artists are frivolous dreamers rather than formidable entrepreneurs, how likely is it that the filmmaker will receive funding? If policymakers, conditioned to see the arts as a peripheral industry, allocate national resources accordingly, how can we expect a thriving creative economy?

Ironically, these are the same individuals who lament the state of our creative industry, questioning why we do not produce cinematic marvels, pioneering advertisements, or globally competitive artistic innovations. The answer is painfully simple: the very minds capable of spearheading such advancements were systematically siphoned away into boardrooms, hospitals, and legislative chambers. The arts were never bereft of brilliance—rather, that brilliance was actively diverted elsewhere.

A Paradigm Shift: Valuing the Arts as an Intellectual and Economic Powerhouse

The adage “Charity begins at home” has never been more pertinent. The renaissance of our creative industry is contingent upon a fundamental shift in perception, one that must begin within our households, educational institutions, and policymaking bodies. Parents must recognize that a child with an affinity for music, painting, filmmaking, or fashion is not squandering potential—they are harnessing it in an alternative, equally formidable capacity. Schools must cease their hierarchical classification of disciplines, wherein the arts are demoted to the lowest rung of academic legitimacy.

Moreover, financial institutions and government agencies must divest themselves of antiquated prejudices and invest in the arts with the same vigor as they do in science, technology, and commerce. Creativity is not a whimsical indulgence; it is the bedrock of cultural identity, economic innovation, and global influence.

Until we dismantle the pervasive bias against the arts, our creative industry will remain shackled by the very society it seeks to elevate. It is time to transcend archaic misconceptions and accord the arts the reverence, investment, and intellectual acknowledgment they so rightfully deserve.

by Selassie Yao

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