“Escape From Extinction” is an award-winning documentary by American Humane that confronts the pressing issue of the mass extinction of animals in the wild all over the globe....
“Shura,” a poignant short documentary film, delves into the extraordinary life of octogenarian Shura Wallin, whose philosophy of compassion and service emerges as a profound path to...
“Heaven Rain Flows Sweetly,” a captivating documentary by the talented writer and director Shasha Li, is an artistic exploration of environmental and cultural changes in her hometown...
It appears what seems abnormal is what the young creative, Faiba Bernard normally does. His new stage play happening on the Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 will...
Directed by Brendon Rudnicki, who also shares writing credits with Kellan Rudnicki and Ciara Wojtala, “A Cold Grave” delves into the realm of found footage storytelling, a genre choice that has...
“Altered Perceptions,” directed by Jorge Ameer, is a cinematic venture that proves to be a challenging experience for many viewers, thanks to its nearly two-hour runtime. The...
The acclaimed dramedy DIVINE419 – HAWKERS HUSTLE is now available to the public, capping off its impressive journey through various film festivals. This film delves into...
“The Problem of the Hero,” directed by Shaun Dozier, is a thought-provoking exploration of the boundaries of storytelling, creative agency, and the moral implications of portraying experiences...
A new teaser trailer has been unveiled for what is being touted as “Ghana’s first science fiction film” titled “Adam the First.” This audacious endeavour in...
The acclaimed short film “Captain’s Corner” by Organized Khaos LTD is gearing up for its highly-anticipated release on YouTube. Written and directed by Mark Cofie Jnr., the short film recently...