“A Rising Fury” is a poignant and immersive documentary that spans an impressive eight-year timeline, offering a heartfelt glimpse into a critical chapter of history. For...
"Young, Sexy & Dead" stands as a dark satire that takes society's obsession with beauty and the fashion industry's extremes to the next level. It pushes...
We can certainly expect more of McLaughlin's growth over time in his future projects considering that "Bless Me Father" serves as a strong stepping stone for his cinematic...
While it's clear that the film aspires to be a thought-provoking and enigmatic thriller, it falls short of delivering a narrative that justifies its extended runtime.
In the end, "The Winter House" is a well-crafted film that excels in portraying the intricate dynamics of human connection and the power of unlikely bonds. Eileen and Jesse's...
“A Binding Truth” is a poignant documentary that transcends the boundaries of time and memory to explore the deep and emotional connections between two high school...
"Eternal Code" is a film with a brilliant concept that is ultimately let down by its execution. The extended runtime, sloppy acting, poorly executed action sequences,...
“Sound of Freedom” is a cinematic gem that offers an unflinching look into the incredible true story of Tim Ballard, a former government agent turned vigilante on...
“Loud & Longing” is a cinematic exploration that offers both strengths and weaknesses in its attempt to portray the struggles and triumphs of artists in New...
South African upcoming series Spinners is the third co-production between African streaming service Showmax and CANAL+, and is also the first African series ever selected in competition at...