On the opening day of The Joburg Film Festival, Showmax released an open commissioning brief to the African film industry calling for pitches for a slate...
Film Rats is pleased to announce the second edition of its film festival, The Annual Film Mischief (TAFM) which will take place in Lagos, Abuja, Accra...
“Now in Ghana, if there are no pallbearers, they’ll rate it as a poor funeral,” Benjamin Aidoo says at the very beginning of the new Ghanaian...
THE WHITE LOTUS S2 | Binge from 12 December 2022 Season 2 of The White Lotus swaps Hawaii for Sicily, following a new group of vacationers jetting off to...
Over the years, Village Minds production has produced exciting and thought-provoking plays such as The Love of MAMAVI, The Barber and the Apprentice, The Prisoners, Chains...
Roverman Productions is back with another gripping and exciting Ebo Whyte classic, Husband Material 7 Yards. What is the measure of a husband? 7 yards? 12...
The management of Accra Indie Filmfest (AiF) is glad to announce to the general public that, film submissions for the 5th edition of the annual international...
Accra, Ghana, Release: September 23, 2022. For Immediate Release. We wish to officially announce that Ghana’s most anticipated crime action thriller, The Agency, initially scheduled to...
The Africa Movie Awards popularly known as AMAA has officially announced it nominees for the 2022 edition of the awards. The award show would be held...
Accra, Ghana: Thursday September 1, 2022 – The Black Star International Film Festival, today announced the launch of the 7th edition of the Black Star International...