Accra, Ghana, Release: September 23, 2022. For Immediate Release. We wish to officially announce that Ghana’s most anticipated crime action thriller, The Agency, initially scheduled to...
The Africa Movie Awards popularly known as AMAA has officially announced it nominees for the 2022 edition of the awards. The award show would be held...
Accra, Ghana: Thursday September 1, 2022 – The Black Star International Film Festival, today announced the launch of the 7th edition of the Black Star International...
Green Lemon Production, an award-winning Ghanaian film production company, has begun production on its next jaw-dropping series. Following the success of their debut series “Till Sunset,”...
The National Film Authority (NFA) of Ghana has partnered with Great Minds Group of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to organise Africa’s first cinema convention, Meta...
VX Animation in partnership with GH Movie Freak is organizing a boutique animation writers’ workshop for Ghanian writers. The one-day workshop is targeted at writers interested in...
When the first black superhero was introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in cinemas in 2018, the phrase “Wakanda forever!” became popular among friends, colleagues, families,...
In the new Ghanaian drama series High Currency, set in the cutthroat world of banking, turnabout is fair play when it comes to matters of office rivalry...
Cine-God Studios, in partnership with Vascan Studios, is proud to announce the debut of its most recent project- The Agency; an action thriller film directed by...
Accra Indie Filmfest partners with Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, one of the biggest short film festivals in Europe, France. This forms part of the festival’s...