As Ghana’s cinematic landscape continues to make a resurgence to its former glory, there has been a call for authenticity and creative brilliance in our storytelling....
“Tacoma,” written and directed by Jigeesh Magar, is an ambitious indie film that combines elements of thriller, drama, and science fiction. The story revolves around two brilliant...
“Gunfighter Paradise,” written and directed by Jethro Waters, is a strange and quirky exploration of mental disintegration. At its core, the film tells the story of Stoner (played by Braz...
The Durban FilmMart Institute (DFMI) is proud to present the lineup of projects and participants for the 17th edition of Talents Durban, set to take place...
“Jersey Bred” a crime thriller written and directed by Greg Russo takes viewers on a journey into the modernized world of organized crime. We see traditional mobsters clash with new tactics...
Andrew de Burgh‘s “The Seductress From Hell” invites viewers into a twisted tale of psychological horror and supernatural intrigue, anchored by a strong enough performance from...
“Hide Your Crazy” emerges as a delightful surprise in the realm of short horror films, brilliantly blending supernatural elements with romantic comedy while delving into the...
In a cinematic landscape where Latino characters often serve as mere plot devices, filmmaker Evelyn Lorena sets out to redefine the narrative. In an exclusive interview with,...
“An Egypt Affair” takes viewers on a journey down the majestic Nile, weaving a tale of love, betrayal, and intrigue amidst the backdrop of ancient Egypt....
“Room Taken” is a poignant short film, written by Michael Whelan and directed by Tj O’Grady Peyton, that delicately explores the depths of human connection amidst challenging circumstances. The...